Learning A Second Language To Get Your Brain Juices Flowing

More and more employers and companies are prioritising hiring multilingual candidates, and for a good reason – knowing how to speak more than one language makes you a more well-rounded and culturally-sensitive individual.

Apparently, however, your career isn’t the only one that can benefit from learning a new language.

In fact, there’s a growing number of studies and proof that show that your brain might actually benefit the most from being multilingual.

Below are the potential gains learning a new language can have on your brain.

1. Better Memory and Improved Decision-Making Skills

Many studies have shown that people who know more than one language had better working memory than those who only know one language.

But, that’s not all.

Because the language acquisition process requires you to pick up nuances and subtleties of a new language, you can also apply the same kind of thinking, often subconsciously, in various situations in your daily life.

As a result, people who are bilingual are able to make more rational decisions in their life, whereas those who know only a single language are more likely to base their decisions on how they feel.

2. Higher Ability to Focus

People who can speak multiple languages can actually deal with distractions better and are able to focus more.

Apparently, as a result of being able to switch between multiple languages, a multilingual’s brain has a lot of practice on filtering the necessary kind of information and focusing only on what’s relevant to the context.

Those who can speak more than one language can the use the same ability to filter out noise and distractions while studying, reading, writing, or while at work.

3. Bigger Brain

This benefit is actually quite literal. Studies conducted in recent times showed that certain parts of the brain of bilingual individuals were actually bigger compared to those who are monolingual.

While it remains unclear what the increased size means, it probably shouldn’t hurt to have a bigger brain than normal.

4. Delayed Onset of Dementia Later on in Life

Dementia eventually comes for everybody as they age. However, as more and more researchers look for ways to delay, if not prevent, the onset of this crippling disease, they have found that being bilingual can delay its onset by as much as five years.

The constant exercise of having to switch between one language and another helps keep your brain active well onto the later stages of your life, which has been attributed as one of the key reasons why bilingual people tend to have dementia much later on in life.

It doesn’t matter how long or young you are. There are many reasons why you should take the chance and learn a new language.

So, what are you waiting for? Take Japanese classes in Singapore today and invest in yourself.

You might not benefit from having learned a new language right away, but your brain will be thankful for you for your decision to do it early on in your life.

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